
Man Was Made To Mourn - Роберт Бёрнс

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На этой странице читайте текст Роберта Бернса, написанный в 1792 году. Когда деревья обнажил Своим дыханьем север, Осенним вечером бродил Я над рекою Эйр. Мне где-то встретился старик, В пути он изнемог И головой седой поник Под бременем тревог. Меня спросил он: - Пешеход, Куда ты держишь путь? Богатства власть тебя ведет Иль страсть волнует грудь? А может, ты узнать успел Невзгоды бытия И горько на людской удел Ты сетуешь, как я? Под солнцем, где простерлась гладь Лугов, степей, болот, Везде на чопорную знать Работает народ. Светил мне дважды сорок лет Усталый луч зимы, Пока я понял, что на свет Для мук родились мы. Покамест молод человек, Он не щадит часов. За мигом миг короткий век Растратить он готов. Безумью предается он. Страстям преграды нет, Пока поймет он, что рожден Для горестей на свет. Умчится молодость как дым, И те года пройдут, Когда полезен ты другим И веришь сам в свой труд. Нужда и старость - хуже нет На всей земле четы. Тогда увидишь, что на свет Для мук родился ты. (перевод С. Маршака)

Man Was Made To Mourn

1. When chill November's surly blast Made fields and forest bare, One evening, as I wandered forth Along the banks of Ayr, I spied a man, whose aged step Seemed weary, worn with care, His face was furrowed over with years, And hoary (frosty) was his hair. 2. 'Young stranger, where are you wandering to?' Began the reverend Sage, 'Does thirst of wealth thy step constrain, Or youthful pleasure's rage? Or haply, pressed with cares and woes, Too soon you have begun To wander forth, with me to mourn The miseries of Man. 3. The sun that overhangs yonder moors, Out-spreading far and wide, Where hundreds labour to support A haughty lordling's pride: I have seen that weary winter sun Twice forty times return; And every time has added proofs, That man was made to mourn. 4. 'O Man! while in your thy early years, How prodigal of time! Mis-spending all thy precious hours, Your glorious, youthful prime! Alternate follies take the sway, Licentious passions burn: Which tenfold force gives Nature's law, That Man was made to mourn. 5. Look not alone on youthful prime, Or manhood's active might; Man then is useful to his kind, Supported is his right: But see him on the edge of life, With cares and sorrows worn; Then Age and Want - O ill matched pair! - Show Man was made to mourn. 6. 'A few seem favourites of Fate, In Pleasure's lap caressed; Yet think not all the rich and great Are likewise truly blessed: But oh! what crowds in every land, All wretched and forlorn, Through weary life this lesson learn, That Man was made to mourn. 7. 'Many and sharp the numerous ills Inter-woven with our frame! More pointed still we make ourselves Regret, remorse, and shame! And Man, whose heaven-erected face The smiles of love adorn,-- Man's inhumanity to man Makes countless thousands mourn! 8. 'See yonder poor, over-laboured sturdy person, So abject, mean, and vile, Who begs a brother of the earth To give him leave to toil; And see his lordly fellow-worm The poor petition spurn, Unmindful, though a weeping wife And helpless offspring mourn. 9. 'If I am designed yonder lordling's slave- By Nature's law designed- Why was an independent wish Ever planted in my mind? If not, why am I subject to His cruelty, or scorn? Or why has Man the will and power To make his fellow mourn? 10. 'Yet let not this too much, my son, Disturb your youthful breast: This partial view of human-kind Is surely not the last! The poor, oppressed, honest man, Had never, sure, been born, Had there not been some recompense To comfort those that mourn! 11. 'O Death! the poor man's dearest friend, The kindest and the best! Welcome the hour my aged limbs Are laid with you at rest! The great, the wealthy fear your blow, From pomp and pleasure torn, But, oh! a blessed relief to those That weary laden mourn!'
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